Catégorie : English transcripts
English transcript – Saint Samson of Dol – 1/4
The beginning of the life of saint Samson of Dol in Wales,how he met st. Illtud.
English transcript – Saint Samson of Dol – 2/4
English transcript of the video st. Samson of Dol 2/4
English transcript – Saint Samson of Dol – 3/4
English transcript of the video about saint Samson of Dol – Third part.
English transcript – St Mewan of Brittany 1/2
Hello, it’s Lize. At the end of the last video on Samson de Dol, Saint Anne was preparing to cross the forest of Brocéliande to reach Patern de Vannes and she planned to stop along the way at Saint Méen (also called Mévenn, Mewenn in Breton, Mewan in English, Meuennus in Latin). She thus followed…
English transcript – Saint Mewan of Brittany 2/2
Hi, it’s Lize. In the previous video, we saw how, after a night spent remaking the world, heavily drenched in theology, Lord Caduon gave Saint Méen lands located near the Meu river, in the forest of Brocéliande. Saint Méen, also called Meven or Mewen, and in English Saint Mewan, built the Saint-Jean de Gaël monastery,…